Last updated: 15 May 2023 | 1419 Views |
Why Centrifugal?
Efficient aerodynamics make centrifugal compressors ideal for a variety
of industrial applications. Centrifugal compressors produce pressure by
transferring energy from a rotating impeller to the air. Capacity can be
controlled by adjusting the inlet guide vanes—closed to reduce and open
to increase flow.
Polaris centrifugal compressors feature a simple, effective design that
outperforms other compressors in delivering trouble-free operation and
the lowest cost of ownership. Polaris owners enjoy:
Certified ISO 8573-1 Class 0 oil-free air for purity that meets exacting standards.
Low maintenance with no wearing parts that require regular changeout, the need for periodic and expensive airend replacement iseliminated.
Low-to-no vibration without any special foundation required.
Superior control through a variety of Regulus® controller system options.
Excellent reliability over extended periods with minimal maintenance
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